- Premiul Special UNITER pentru Coregrafie,
Ordinul Meritul Cultural in grad de cavaler, acordat de Presedintele României,
Ion Iliescu, 2004
- Diploma de onoare la Festivalul International One-Man-Show, Moscova,
Rusia, 1999
- Premiul pentru plastica expresiei corporale acordat de Asociatia Internationala
a Criticilor de Teatru AICT, sectia româna, 1998
- Premiul de interpretare al Operei Nationale din Paris, Concursul International
de Balet, Paris, Franta, 1996
- Premiul pentru investigarea unor noi modalitati de expresie artistica,
Festivalul International “Eurodans”, Iasi, România,
- Premiul pentru debut coregrafic de exceptie acordat de Uniunea Interpretilor,
Coregrafilor si Criticilor muzicali din România, 1994
- Premiul I, Concursul national “Mihail Jora”, Sectiunea Creatie
coregrafica, Bucuresti, 1993
- Premiul special al juriului pentru debut coregrafic, Festivalul International
“Eurodans”, Iasi, România, 1993.
Special Prize for Choreography, granted
by UNITER, the National Union of Romanian Theatres, 2007
The Order the Cultural Merit in the rank of a knight, awarded by the president
of Romania, Ion Iliescu, 2004
The Diploma of Honor at the International One-Man-Show Festival, Moscow,
Russia, 1999.
The Prize for the plasticity of the corporal expression awarded by the
International Association of the Theater Critics – IATC, the Romanian
section, 1998
The prize for interpretation of the National Opera House of Paris, The
International Conquest of Ballet, Paris, France, 1996
The prize for investigation of some new modalities of artistic expression,
the International festival <Eurodans>, Iasi, Romania, 1996
The prize for exceptional choreographic debut awarded by the Union of
the Performers, Choreographers and Musical Critics of Romania, 1994
The First Prize, the National Conquest <Mihail Jora>, the section
Choreographic Creation, Bucharest, 1993
The Special Prize of the Jury for choreographic debut, The International
Festival <Eurodans>, Iasi, Romania, 1993.