disociez omul Razvan Mazilu de artist. Si asta nu e valabil doar in cazul
meu, imi permit sa generalizez: in cazul unui artist adevarat, planurile
se intrepatrund, nu veti sti cu certitudine cat la suta e firesc pe scena
si cat e ‘teatru’ in viata cotidiana. E un frumos paradox”.
SELF - PORTRAIT “I don’t dissociate Razvan Mazilu the person, from Razvan Mazilu the artist. And I think this is valid for any genuine artist: the levels are interconnected, you will never know for sure how ‘natural’ an artist is on stage and how ‘theatrical’ he is in the everyday life.” “I like to think that my path up to now is a fulfillment. I say ‘path’ rather than ‘career’, because I don’t like that word. I don’t dance to have a career, I dance for my pleasure and for the public’s.” “Art is an excess of life. Through what you do, as an artist, you have to add a bit of beauty to the beauty that already exists in this world.” “I am really lucky with my dance, because it helps me not being vulnerable while facing life.” “I think the idea of ‘solo’ fits me best on stage. The idea of being on my own on the stage, in the ‘lion’s den’, attracts me, challenges me to the full, I prefer it because I can have full control.” “The art of dance proves there is no vanity, it proves everything makes sense. I re-discover dance over and over again, whenever I enter the ballet studio with the dual feeling that I know how to dance and that, at the same time, I know nothing.” “Even the day when everything goes wrong, I consider myself lucky, since I can admire the sunset once again. A ‘sine qua non’ condition of a genuine artist is to keep his capacity of being amazed by the beauty of life.” “I started dancing at the age of 3 and then I continued studying dance without caring about anything else, without thinking that I could do something else. To me, dancing is a must.” “Sometimes I think about art in a more playful, more relaxed manner. We might be wrong thinking about contemporary dance only in a serious, grave manner, maybe we can take a step back and relax a bit.” “I grew up in a block of flats, in a communist Bucharest. I had a happy childhood only thanks to my family, but we all know how difficult and sad the times were. Don’t you agree that Dandysm can become a model for a teenager longing to live in a different world, with beautiful things and special stories?” “All right, I admit a vice I couldn’t live without: I love sweets! Nothing is more delicious than a sour cherry coated in chocolate!” “In ten years time I hope to be wiser, just as young in spirit, just as curious, I hope to love dance and life as much as now, evolve, be surrounded by interesting and talented people from whom I could learn a lot.” “The end of a show, when everybody applauds, is a beautiful moment. In fact, I like the communication between the ones on stage and the public, the ‘complicity’ between the ones who created the mystery, the illusion, and the ones who accepted it, who chose to believe it.” |
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